Lightshine Celebrates TruLight's New Music Room (Feb '25)

We did it! With the funds we raised, we equipped TruLight Youth Village with a brand new music suite. Forty-five foster kids now have access to create music right where they are and leave a legacy of hope for the next residents.  Thanks to all who donated.  DONATE NOW to be a part of the next round.

Lightshine Visits TruLight Youth Village
to Forge Music Makers and Songwriters of Hope

Kim Black from Lightshine talks to Gabi Barrera of TruLight127 Ministries about equipping the youth residents with a whole suite of music instruments to forge the next music makers and songwriters of hope.  DONATE NOW!

Lightshine Recordings Delivers Brass Tacks

We're not allowed to photograph their precious faces for safety reasons, so we get creative in our posts.  I'm the wanna-be in front; she's the real deal about to whale on that thing, making it look easy to sound so good.  Thanks to all the donors! You made it possible for my nonprofit to deliver a beautiful saxophone to a beautiful girl at one of the local shelters.  She's beaming from ear to ear and can't wait to share the music she knows. So blessed!  DONATE NOW to help equip the next future music makers of the world!

Bexar County Awards Lightshine Recordings

Bexar County Deputies award Lightshine Recordings, making it known Precinct 4 is BIG on community service. What a wonderful surprise.  THANK YOU!

Talking Shop at the Texas Homeschool Expo

Lightshine Recordings is at the Texas Homeschool Expo talking about its programs and services. Sign up soon; spots are filling fast!

Lightshine Donates Violin: when “strings attached” is a good thing

Boysville student wanted to have his own violin so he could practice after school. Lightshine donors and friends made this goal achievable. He said, “Wow! Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

Lightshine Helps Launch Expanded Music Program at Boysville

Lightshine delivered over $6000 in music instruments and equipment to Boysville , January 2024. We didn’t have to look far for a music teacher to provide the kids with lessons. Matt Billman has been volunteering for a few years already. Since Lightshine pays for lessons, too, we were able to compensate him for his valuable time.

Thank You God for sending people of Your same Spirit to edify and encourage!

For my 50th birthday year: 50 God songs in 50 weeks by musicians all over 50!  Robert and Chester answered the call. We’re on a roll! Go to videos page for a first take on “I’m Trusting You”🔥 More to come! #lightshinerecordings

Special Delivery to Boysville

I had the honor of meeting Paula Tucker, CEO, Boysville, and presented her with the first of many instruments to come to the shelter by Christmas. I was designated "Special Elf" at their annual Chrsimas party and got to meet all 92 kids. What a great night!

Decking the Halls of Boysville

Lightshine is excited to work with Boysville of Coverse, TX, equipping their emergency shelter with music instruments. What a great Christmas present for these kids! PLEASE DONATE NOW

News about Lightshine from The Ranch

Dakota Boys and Girls Ranch

Article by  Tammy

What's Happening

How we're interacting with local communities to make a direct impact

Go to our DONATE page listed above and DONATE. Contributions really do make a difference,  reducing risks of unemployment, homelessness & PTSD in at-risk youth.

Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch Gets Equipped to ROCK OUT! (Spring 2022)

Funds raised from Garage Band program & craft sales equipped Dakota Boys & Girls Ranch with over $5000 in music instruments. Thanks to all who donate! YESSSSS!

Lightshine Bands ROCKED!
(Spring 2021)

Lightshine Bands "Sticks and Stones" and the "Grimm Reepers" rocked out on Minot AFB to celebrate Spring Break..  Neighborhood friends and families joined in, as well as FB Live peeps.

 Jammin' with Ho'omalu O Na Kamalii  (Spring 2020)

Proceeds from the Elementary Garage Band and the Fall Craft Sale helped equip the Ho'omalu O Na Kamalii foster shelter with $5000 in music equipment. ALOHA!

Hale Kipa Rocks! (Summer 2020)

Donations from Facebook and the Hickam July Craft Sale helped equip the Hale Kipa foster shelter with $5000 in music equipment.  ROCK ON!

Narrowing Down the Focus (2019)

Had the honor of getting this teen the first drum lessons, then realized the real passion lies in digital music production and songwriting. AWESOME!

Kainalu Garage Band - Nailed IT! (2019)

So proud of these kids!  They rocked out, unafraid, in front of hundreds, at the Kainalu Elementary Carnival. FIERCE!

Thank God for Jeff James

So thankful for local musician, Jeff James, who is willing to teach these kids about the gifts that come from music. MAHALO!!!

DONATE via PayPal

Just click the button to the right and equip the next foster shelter with music instruments!